COMMENT REDUCE INTERACTIVE LESSON NUMBER 7 David R. Stoutemyer University of Hawaii COMMENT This is lesson 7 of 7 REDUCE lessons. It was suggested that you bring a REDUCE source listing, together with a cross-reference (CREF) thereof, but this lesson is beneficial even without them. Sometimes it is desired to have a certain facility available to algebraic mode, no such facility is described in the REDUCE User's manual, and there is no easy way to implement the facility directly in algebraic mode. The possibilities are: 1. The facility exists for algebraic mode, but is undocumented. 2. The facility exists, but is available only in symbolic mode. 3. The facility is not built-in for either mode. Perusal of the source listing and CREF, together with experimentation can reveal which of these alternatives is true. (Even in case 3, an inquiry to A.C. Hearn at the Rand Corporation may reveal that someone else has already implemented the supplementary facility and can send a copy.) ;PAUSE;COMMENT A type of statement is available to both modes if its leading keyword appears in either of the equivalent statements PUT (..., 'STAT, ...) or DEFLIST('(...), 'STAT) . A symbolic-mode global variable is available to algebraic mode and vice-versa if the name of the variable appears in either of the equivalent statements SHARE ..., or FLAG('(...), 'SHARE) . A function defined in symbolic mode is directly available to algebraic mode if the function name appears in one of the statements SYMBOLIC OPERATOR ..., PUT(..., 'SIMPFN, ...), DEFLIST('(...), 'SIMPFN), FLAG('(...), 'OPFN), In addition, if you want a function to be used as a predicate in in IF or WHILE statements, it should be flagged BOOLEAN, as in FLAG('(...),'BOOLEAN); ;PAUSE;COMMENT Other functions which are used but not defined in RLISP are the built-in LISP functions. See a description of the underlying LISP system for documentation on these functions. Particularly notable built-in features available only to symbolic mode include 1. A function named FIX, which returns the truncated integer portion of its floating-point argument. 2. A function named SPACES, which prints the number of blanks indicated by its integer argument. 3. A function named REDERR, which provokes an error interrupt after printing its arguments. 4. A predicate named KERNP, which returns NIL if its argument is not an indeterminate or a functional form. 5. A function named MATHPRINT, which prints its argument in natural mathematical notation, beginning on a new line. 6. A function named MAPRIN, which is like MATHPRINT, but does not automatically start or end a new line. 7. A function named TERPRI!*, which ends the current print-line. Thus, for example, all that we have to do to make the predicate KERNP and the function FIX available to algebraic mode is to type FLAG('(KERNP), 'BOOLEAN), SYMBOLIC OPERATOR FIX . When such simple remedies are unavailable, we can introduce our own statements or write our own SYMBOLIC-mode variables and procedures, then use these techniques to make them available to algebraic mode. In order to do so, it is usually necessary to understand how REDUCE represents and simplifies algebraic expressions. ;PAUSE;COMMENT One of the REDUCE representations is called Cambridge Prefix. An expression is either an atom or a list consisting of a literal atom, denoting a function or operator name, followed by arguments which are Cambridge Prefix expressions. The most common unary operator names are MINUS, LOG, SIN, and COS. The most common binary operator names are DIFFERENCE, QUOTIENT, and EXPT. The most common nary operator names are PLUS and TIMES. Thus, for example, the expression 3*x**2*y + x**(1/2) + e**(-x) could be represented as '(PLUS (TIMES 3 (EXPT X 2) Y) (EXPT X (QUOTIENT 1 2)) (EXPT E (MINUS X)) The parser produces an unsimplified Cambridge Prefix version of algebraic-mode expressions typed by the user, then the simplifier returns a simplified prefix version. When a symbolic procedure that has been declared a symbolic operator is invoked from algebraic mode, the procedure is given simplified Cambridge Prefix versions of the arguments. To illustrate these ideas, here is an infix function named ISFREEOF, which determines whether its left argument is free of the indeterminate, function name, or literal subexpression which is the right argument. Isfreeof is similar to the REDUCE FREEOF function but less general; PAUSE; FLAG('(ISFREEOF), 'BOOLEAN); INFIX ISFREEOF; SYMBOLIC PROCEDURE CAMPRE1 ISFREEOF CAMPRE2; IF CAMPRE1=CAMPRE2 THEN NIL ELSE IF ATOM CAMPRE1 THEN T ELSE (CAR CAMPRE1 ISFREEOF CAMPRE2) AND (CDR CAMPRE1 ISFREEOF CAMPRE2); ALGEBRAIC IF LOG(5+X+COS(Y)) ISFREEOF SIN(Z-7) THEN WRITE "WORKS ONE WAY"; ALGEBRAIC IF NOT(LOG(5+X+COS(Y)) ISFREEOF COS(Y)) THEN WRITE "WORKS OTHER WAY TOO"; COMMENT Conceivably we might wish to distinguish when CAMPRE2 is a literal atom occurring as a function name from the case when CAMPRE2 is a literal atom and occurs as an indeterminate. Accordingly, see if you can write two such more specialized infix predicates named ISFREEOFINDET and ISFREEOFFUNCTION; PAUSE; COMMENT When writing a symbolic-mode function, it is often desired to invoke the algebraic simplifier from within the function. This can be done by using the function named REVAL, which returns a simplified Cambridge Prefix version of its prefix argument. Usually, REDUCE uses and produces a different representation, which I call REDUCE prefix. The symbolic function AEVAL returns a simplified REDUCE-prefix version of its prefix argument. Both REVAL and AEVAL can take either type of prefix argument. A REDUCE-prefix expression is an integer, a floating-point number, an indeterminate, or an expression of the form ('!*SQ standardquotient . !*SQVAR!*). !*SQVAR!* is a global variable which is set to T when the REDUCE- prefix expression is originally formed. The values of !*SQVAR!* is reset to NIL if subsequent LET, MATCH, or computational ON statements could change the environment is such a way that the expression might require resimplification next time it is used. ;PAUSE;COMMENT Standard quotients are neither Cambridge nor REDUCE prefix, so the purpose of the atom '!*SQ is to make the value of all algebraic-mode variables always be some type of prefix form at the top level. A standard quotient is a unit-normal dotted pair of 2 standard forms, and a standard form is the REDUCE representation for a polynomial. Unit-normal means that the leading coefficient of the denominator is positive. REDUCE has a built-in symbolic function SIMP!*, which returns the simplified standard quotient representation of its argument, which can be either Cambridge or REDUCE prefix. REDUCE also has symbolic functions named NEGSQ, INVSQ, ADDSQ, MULTSQ, DIVSQ, DIFFSQ, and CANONSQ which respectively negate, reciprocate, add, multiply, divide, differentiate, and unit-normalize standard quotients. There is also a function named ABSQ, which negates a standard quotient if the leading coefficient of its numerator is negative, and there is a function named EXPTSQ which raises a standard quotient to an integer power. Finally, there is a function named MK!*SQ, which returns a REDUCE prefix version of its standard-quotient argument, and there is also a function named PREPSQ which returns a Cambridge prefix version of its standard-quotient argument. If there is a sequence of operations, rather than converting from prefix to standard quotient and back at each step, it is usually more efficient to do the operations on standard quotients, then use MK!*SQ to make the final result be REDUCE prefix. Also it is often more efficient to work with polynomials rather than rational functions during the intermediate steps. ;PAUSE;COMMENT The coefficient domain of polynomials is floating-point numbers, integers, integers modulo an arbitrary integer modulus, or rational numbers. However, zero is represented as NIL. The polynomial variables are called kernels, which can be indeterminates or uniquely-stored fully simplified Cambridge-prefix functional forms. The latter alternative permits the representation of expressions which could not otherwise be represented as the ratio of two expanded polynomials, such as 1. subexpressions of the form LOG(...) or SIN(...). 2. subexpressions of the form indeterminate**noninteger. 3. unexpanded polynomials, each polynomial factor being represented as a functional form. 4. rational expressions not placed over a common denominator, each quotient subexrpession being represented as a functional form. A polynomial is represented as a list of its nonzero terms in decreasing order of the degree of the leading "variable". Each term is represented as a standard power dotted with its coefficient, which is a standard form in the remaining variables. A standard power is represented as a variable dotted with a positive integer degree. ;PAUSE;COMMENT Letting ::= denote "is defined as" and letting | denote "or", we can summarize the REDUCE data representations as follows: reduceprefix ::= ('!*SQ standardquotient . !*SQVAR!*) standardquotient ::= NUMR(standardquotient) ./ DENR(standardquotient) NUMR(standardquotient) ::= standardform DENR(standardquotient) ::= unitnormalstandardform domainelement ::= NIL | nonzerointeger | nonzerofloat | nonzerointeger . positiveinteger standardform ::= domainelement | LT(standardform) .+ RED(standardform) RED(standardform) ::= standardform LT(standardform) := LPOW(standardform) .* LC(standardform) LPOW(standardform) := MVAR(standardform) .** LDEG(standardform) LC(standardform) ::= standardform MVAR(standardform) ::= kernel kernel ::= indeterminate | functionalform functionalform ::= (functionname Cambridgeprefix1 Cambridgeprefix2 ...) Cambridgeprefix ::= integer | float | indeterminate | functionalform LC(unitnormalstandardform) ::= positivedomainelement | unitnormalstandardform I have taken this opportunity to also introduce the major REDUCE selector macros named NUMR, DENR, LT, RED, LPOW, LC, MVAR, and LDEG, together with the major constructor macros named ./, .+, .*, and .** . The latter are just mnemonic aliases for "." A comparison of my verbal and more formal definitions also reveals that the selectors are respectively just aliases for CAR, CDR, CAR, CDR, CAAR, CDAR, CAAAR, and CDAAR. Since these selectors and constructors are macros rather than functions, they afford a more readable and modifiable programming style at no cost in ultimate efficiency. Thus you are encouraged to use them and to invent your own when convenient. As an example of how this can be done, here is the macro definition for extracting the main variable of a standard term; SYMBOLIC SMACRO PROCEDURE TVAR TRM; CAAR TRM; PAUSE; COMMENT It turns out that there are already built-in selectors named TC, TPOW, and TDEG, which respectively extract the coefficient, leading power, and leading degree of a standard term. There are also built-in constructors named !*P2F, !*K2F, !*K2Q, and !*T2Q, which respectively make a power into a standard form, a kernel into a standard form, a kernel into a standard quotient, and a term into a standard quotient. See the User's Manual for a complete list. The unary functions NEGF and ABSF respectively negate, and unit- normalize their standard-form arguments. The binary functions ADDF, MULTF, QUOTF, SUBF, EXPTF, and GCDF respectively add, multiply, divide, substitute into, raise to a positive integer power, and determine the greatest common divisor of standard forms. See if you can use them to define a macro which subtracts standard forms; PAUSE; COMMENT The best way to become adept at working with standard forms and standard quotients is to study the corresponding portions of the REDUCE source listing. The listing of ADDF and its subordinates is particularly instructive. As an exercise, see if you can write a function named ISFREEOFKERN which determines whether or not its left argument is free of the kernel which is the right argument, using REDUCE prefix rather than Cambridge prefix for the left argument; PAUSE; COMMENT As a final example of the interaction between modes, here is a function which produces simple print plots; SHARE NCOLS; NCOLS := 66; SYMBOLIC OPERATOR PLOT; SYMBOLIC PROCEDURE PLOT(EX, XINIT, DX, NDX, YINIT, DY); BEGIN COMMENT This procedure produces a print-plot of univariate expression EX where, XINIT is the initial value of the indeterminate, DX is the increment per line of the indeterminate, NDX is the number of lines plotted, YINIT is the value represented at the left edge, DY is incremental value per column. The shared variable NCOLS, initially 66, is the number of columns used. Points are plotted using "*", except "<" and ">" are used at the left and right edges to indicate out of bounds points. Without supplementary rules, many REDUCE implementations will be unable to numerically evaluate expressions involving operations other than +, -, *, /, and integer powers; SCALAR X, F, Y; INTEGER COL, NCOLSMINUS1; NCOLSMINUS1 := NCOLS - 1; WRITE "Starting the plot of ",EX; X := LISTOFVARS EX; % find indeterminates; IF LENGTH X > 1 THEN REDERR "ERROR: PLOT expression can have at most 1 indeterminate"; IF NULL X THEN << WRITE "ERROR: no indeterminates in ", EX; REDERR "" >> ELSE X := CAR X; WRITE " in variable ",x;terpri(); COMMENT Convert args from algebraic to symbolic values; XINIT := REVALX XINIT; DX := REVALX DX; YINIT := REVALX YINIT; DY := REVALX DY; FOR J:= 0:NDX DO << % generate expression with current value substituted for x F := SUBST(XINIT + J*DX, X, EX); Y := EVAL(F); % eval expression COL := RND((Y - YINIT)/DY); % scale and round for cols IF COL<0 THEN WRITE "<" ELSE IF COL > NCOLSMINUS1 THEN << SPACES(NCOLSMINUS1); PRIN2 ">"; TERPRI() >> ELSE << SPACES(COL); PRIN2 "*"; TERPRI() >> >> ; IF NULL Y THEN REDERR "ERROR: UNABLE TO PERFORM FLOATING-POINT EVALUATION OF 1ST ARG" END; PAUSE; SYMBOLIC PROCEDURE LISTOFVARS CAMPRE; IF NULL CAMPRE OR NUMBERP CAMPRE THEN NIL ELSE IF ATOM CAMPRE THEN LIST CAMPRE ELSE VARSINARGS CDR CAMPRE; SYMBOLIC PROCEDURE VARSINARGS LISTOFCAMPRE; BEGIN SCALAR X; RETURN IF NULL LISTOFCAMPRE THEN NIL ELSE UNION(LISTOFVARS CAR LISTOFCAMPRE, VARSINARGS CDR LISTOFCAMPRE); END; SYMBOLIC PROCEDURE RND X; BEGIN SCALAR ANS; ANS := REVALX X; IF NOT NUMBERP X THEN REDDERR "RND GIVEN NON-NUMERIC ARGUMENT"; IF ANS >=0 THEN ANS := FIX(ANS+00.5) ELSE ANS:= FIX(ANS-0.5); RETURN ANS END; SYMBOLIC PROCEDURE REVALX U; % MAKE SURE WE GET TRUE FLOATS IN SYMBOLIC MODE. IF EQCAR(U,'!:RD!:) THEN RDPREPX U ELSE U; SYMBOLIC PROCEDURE RDPREPX U; IF FLOATP CDR U THEN CDR U ELSE BF2FLR U; PAUSE; ON ROUNDED; PLOT(Y**2, 0, 0.25, 10, 0, 0.25); PAUSE; PLOT((A+1)**2, 0, 0.25, 10, 0, 0.25); PAUSE; B := A*2; PLOT(A*B, 0, 0.25, 10, 0, 0.25); PAUSE; COMMENT We leave it as an exercise to write a more elaborate plot procedure which offers amenities such as automatic scaling, numbered ordinates, etc. Good luck with these exercises, with REDUCE, with computer algebra and with all of your endeavors. ;END;